She’s Trying Out Scissors
Watch out world, Eliza has scissors! Ha, just kidding, you don’t need to watch out, she’s pretty good at it. She knows the rules about scissors and she follows them pretty good. She really does like...
View ArticleThere Was A Big Log Waiting For Me
When I got home tonight, Eliza was sitting on her little potty chair. As I walked through the door she said, “Dad, there’s a log for you.” And sure enough there was a log waiting for me in there. A...
View ArticleThis Thing Sucks or: She Helps Vacuum The Carpets.
Take a look see at Eliza helping vacuum the carpet. She really wanted to help me out today while I was vacuuming. So I let her. She did an ok job for it being her first time and all. It won’t be long...
View ArticleThis Girl Is Crazy Looking Sometimes
Wait, what? That’s what she has taken a liking to saying and it’s pretty funny. She even uses it at appropriate times, she’s pretty good at words. Just look at her though, doesn’t she look a bit...
View ArticleMonsters University. Her Favorite Movie and It Could Be Yours Too.
One of Eliza’s all time favorite movies is Pixar’s Monsters University. It’s really great seeing how Mike Wazowski and Sully met and became really great friends. That Sully was a real conceited jerk...
View ArticleBinoculars to help you see
Eliza learned how make hand binoculars/monoculars/telescopes to help her see, in this pic she was using her monocular. I think she learned it from this movie with turkeys in it, I can’t remember what...
View ArticleThrowback Thursday Is Afoot.
Throwback Thursday! It’s Eliza’s foot when she was born on one side, her foot today on the other. Can you guess which is which? Ha, just kidding. It’s totally obvious. I can’t even believe her feet...
View ArticleKissing Through A Screen
The title pretty much says it all but I can’t just leave it blank can I? The answer is no. Just look at these 2 cute kids kissin’ each other through a screen door. So cute, amiright? So I know you’ve...
View ArticleEliza The Photographer. VTech Kidizoom Camera.
It was recently Eliza’s 3rd birthday and one thing she got was a VTech Kidizoom. As you might know she has been photographed like, a hundred thousand times in her life. She always was trying to get my...
View ArticleShe came up with a new game
Eliza’s Game She came up with a new game the other day, it’s called Grapeball. Here’s a video showing how you play. Easy right! Just throw the grapes. You can also play any...
View ArticleWrastlin’ Kids From The Past
I was looking through my old pics tonight as I was putting together Eliza’s (belated) photo a day for her whole life video and came across this gem. Check out these crazy kids. They be wrastlin’ up...
View Article3 Years In 2 Minutes. Eliza’s Daily Photos
Eliza is 3 years old and as you might know I have taken a photo of her just about every day of her life. This is the video I made where I put all of them together, showing each one for one tenth of a...
View ArticleMy Daughter Gets Cracked Out
My daughter gets cracked out. Just ask her and she’ll tell you. It happens when something is funny. You see, she really means cracked up but she says out. I think it’s pretty funny. Here’s a video of...
View ArticleA Child’s Laughter
They say laughter is the best medicine. But they must not have ever tried a child’s laughter, because that is even better. Just take a look at these pics and see if you can’t agree.
View ArticleSalad, A Child’s Worst Nightmare
Over the Labor Day Weekend, we went down to Colorado Springs to see the sights, mostly the hot air balloon sights at the 38th (and possibly final) Colorado Balloon Classic at Memorial Park. It’s...
View ArticleMy Girl The Snake Charmer
We went to a birthday party for one of Eliza’s little friends over the weekend. The backyard is where most of the festivities took place and what activities there were. Someone brought a mini bouncy...
View ArticlePracticing For The Dentist
She was practicing for when she had to go to the dentist, opening up real wide like the dentist likes you to do. It was her first real dentist appointment and she did so great. Her teeth got brushed...
View ArticleHolding Hands
Sometimes when Eliza is using her potty she makes her brother hold her hands. She also sometimes makes me hold her hands, usually when she’s pooping. It’s kind of strange, especially when she looks me...
View ArticleMassive Headwound Henry
Hey look, it’s massive headwound Henry. You know, like massive headwound Harry from Saturday Night Live (SNL). Remember that one? He laid on the couch and the dog ate his scab right off, and it was...
View ArticleYou’re Gonna Take a Picture With Me Whether You Like It Or Not
I was making photos of them both individually but then Eliza decided I should take one with both of them in it. So she grabbed Henry by the neck and brung him over. It’s a touching family photo we’ll...
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